Personal linked notes as a sphere (can be moved around and zoomed in).
The notes can be moved around using gaze and a click action then dropped in the right place also with a click.
First steps in Aframe, loading a video and curved screens, nothing dynamic though.
The intensity and position of the light source is based on the current time of the viewer
Thanks to a 3D scan performed in early January here is a low polygon version of myself
Organizing assets (3D model of myself and my notes) to see if it could give a sense of projection.
A basic game styled demo. It represents the basic for a world exploration game, you reach a goal, find items, moved around, etc. The aim is to make Reddit Git Exchange Xmas demo with a Zelda theme with a park in ... Rivierenhof in Antwerp obviously! (note that it might evolve to a map2demo demo, converting a geographic spot to a VR demo).
Visual design method, cf Lessons Learned on VR UI of Mike Alger
Personal linked notes that can be moved around and zoomed in.
An array of pre-rendered text notes is displayed. Notes can be re-organized visually using gaze only. Links between notes are represented by colourful links.
Using BSergean offscreen coffee script to render a basic ThreeJS scene on a headless server.
Presentation as slide in 3D and webVR with source code that you can clone at ICAB for JavaScript Lab Brussels.
Embedding Aframe directly in this wiki (cf source AframeEmbedding). Support central wiki specific markup pagelist with templates. The light pink balls represent pages for which the horizontal positions is dependent on the number of revisions. Could also provide a split screen for edition and preview.
WebVR as it could be, jumping for one demo directly to the next Parameters (e.g. group of pages then single pages) are passed by URL.
A basic multiplayer word (that thanks to a bug fruit of my lazyness made it a Tron-like game ;) It is, of course, using express and socket.js (NodeJS). Because of that the server is not always on so can't always try it.
Presentation as VR PDF presentation to VR experience generator (proof of concept) with its source slides in PDF
Portal to go to demos direct in VR mode for a specific webVR chrome-based browser. Based on FuturUI.
Roller coaster generated from notes frequency. The gigantic mesh is a 3D object I printed few years ago. It is an example of how 3D objects will be integrated alongside notes.
The ouroboros I designed few years ago symbolizes constant improvement. Having it with my edits over time implies that with each edit I potentially better myself.
Category / | Aframe | AssetLoading | Background | Challenge | Content | DataVisualization | Game | GoodPractices | Integration | Layout | LinkedPages | Networked | RayPicking | Server-sideContentGeneration | Server-sideRendering | Tweening | UI | UX | WalkingInteraction